Easily and Instantly Become A Credible Influencer in YOUR Niche Within the Next 90 Days or less!

(Even If You're SCARED TO DEATH To Get On Video! )...


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How did I go from a scared video marketing newbie... So deathly afraid to put myself out there to the internet world that I would cower and look for any other way to market my business...

To a confident video marketing expert, not even the slightest bit afraid to hop in front of the camera with the exact message my prospects are looking for?

Read the rest of this page, and you'll see how you'll be able to do the exact same thing with my proven (over and over again) video marketing strategy.

Even if right now... thinking about it makes your chest tight, breathing difficult, and causes intense panic and anxiety to kick in.

Believe me, I know exactly how you feel. I felt the same way. Maybe even worse. More about that in a minute. 

We're About to Unlock the Key to Killing That Fear Inside of YOU!

To the point where you actually enjoy putting yourself out there on video!

Because when you do it right... amazing things begin to happen in your business, and in your life.

You'll begin to experience ready-to-join leads flooding into your business on auto-pilot, each and every single day. (Even when YOU don't actually show up!) 

Imagine waking up, checking your email, and seeing leads and sales notifications as far as you can scroll down!

This is exactly what online video has done for me, and literally THOUSANDS of my students. 

And exactly what it will do for YOU!

Check out what leaders online have discovered and experienced...

"Most Genuine Leader"

Mark Harbert is an excellent marketer and someone that I go to when I have questions about video marketing. But beyond that he is one of the most genuine leaders I know in our industry who truly cares about the success of his students. He has an incredible passion that drives him to relentlessly deliver the best of himself in order to lift up and empower those around him.

Norbert Orlewicz

Co-Founder of My Lead System Pro

"The Go-To-Guy"

"When I first started lead generation from video I immediately thought of Mark Harbert as the “go-to-guy” to fast track my learning. Mark’s trainings and programs are the BEST you’ll find on Video Marketing and I 100% recommend The No-Fear Video Marketing System 2.0 to get you started with branding yourself and generating leads with video."

Gavin Mountford

6-Figure Marketer

"This Guy is All Heart"

"From working with Mark the last two years I can tell you this guy is all heart and his trainings are epicly designed to help you get maximum results. Anyone serious about changing their life would benefit from Mark and his training"

Ray Higdon

Founder of Rank Makers

"Full of Great Information"

"Before I participated in Mark's The 30 Day Video Blitz, I did NOT want to do a video, being self-conscious of my wrinkles, etc., but early on during the Blitz, I overcame through his no-pressure instruction. He taught that no one cares about perfection, but just to be yourself! This is my favorite takeaway, but this training is FULL of great information to create incredible videos!"

Cindy Harris

Online Marketer

"Wish I’d have found Mark sooner."

"Wow if you are not doing video in your business or at least not consistently… you are leaving money on the table. Video is key to a successful business and Mark Harbert’s simple, easy to understand step by step No Fear Video Marketing program is the only course you will ever need completely understand how to get started with video or to level up your current video strategy. I only wish I’d have found Mark sooner."

Rudi Cromwell

Online Marketer

"Attracted New Clients"

Before I took Mark’s course I was not doing video at all. Right away I learned step by step how to get started and level up my business using video. The modules are broken down into easy to consume and understand modules which I found extremely helpful. Since taking the program my confidence has improved and I’m now using video on all my social media platforms. The best part is, I’ve made amazing new connections, and attracted new clients, customers, and business partners all from implementing the use of video.

Kara Scott

Online Marketer

Does THIS Describe You and Your Marketing Right Now?...

You KNOW that Online Video is the most effective way to market ANY biz online… especially a home based business… but you have no clue where to start…
You’re deathly afraid to get on camera because you don’t like the way you look or sound, and you’re sure others will see you as too ugly, too fat, too skinny, too squeaky, too whatever… YOU NAME IT!
You keep putting off creating videos until you’ve got the right equipment, or you’ve got a great background, or your desk is clean enough, or…(the list goes on and on)
You’re afraid that nobody will even watch your videos anyway because you don’t have the tech skills to create them, blast them out to the internet (much less rank them!)…

Now You Can Quickly Bust Through All of Your FEAR and HESITATION... and Start Creating Videos That Make Your Perfect Target Market Flock to You... and Love You When They Find You (and they WILL Find You!)...

Hi, My name is Mark Harbert, and for the past 12 years I've been creating online videos that have let me ENJOY A DAILY LEAD FLOW that most people in our industry can't even pull in monthly (sometimes in a year!)

We're talking up to 73+ serious red-hot leads per day.

It Wasn't Always That Way Though...

Most people see me on video and think that all this just comes natural. (Must be my movie star good looks...lol)


Desperately struggling to make my business work for almost a decade. 

In the midst of all of that, I got laid off from my corporate position. I was close to bankruptcy and foreclosure, and my wife and daughter were depending on me.

During the worst of all of that, I could barely put food on the table for my family.

In fact there was one heartbreaking Christmas where I couldn't afford presents for my daughter. 

Unless you've ever gone through that, you can't even comprehend the desperation that you feel.

And even then…

I would have rather faced Mike Tyson in the ring, or lay in a tank of snakes than get myself on camera. And I'm not even exaggerating.

To be perfectly honest I didn't have a clue how to even create a video in the first place. I thought I was doomed because I had no special equipment. No good digital camera. To make matters worse, I couldn't even afford the equipment I thought I needed.

Thank God actually…

Because now I've gotten by just fine on the most minimal of equipment for the past 12 years. 

My dirty little secret is most of my videos are made right from my iPhone or from the inexpensive web cam I purchased on Amazon.

If You're Deathly Afraid of getting on camera, I was right there with you. 

You see, I'm a little...well... “big boned.” 

So of course I was afraid I was going to look fat on camera. Plus, I had no idea what the heck to say. 

I was positive people would see my video and make fun of me. Think I was a babbling idiot. 

In fact, I didn't even think people wanted to hear what I had to say. Who the heck was I anyway? 

Sound familiar? 

If you saw my first video, you'd see that clearly I was petrified. Literally shaking in my seat as I tried to film and form a simple sentence. Every take had me more drenched in sweat.

And you can probably relate to my thought of “OMG, what if one of my family members, or worse, one of my co-workers stumbled on this video?” 

It took me over 20 takes, and a couple of days to create that first video. Everything was an excuse not to just shoot the darn thing. Taking out the garbage or doing dishes were welcome chores at that time. 

Plus I moved a lot of stuff around my desk. It was never so damn clean. 

Bottom Line! Caring What Others Think About Me Almost Cost Me the Amazing Lifestyle That I've Created for My Family Today.

It's not just me either... 

I've heard the fears and the stories that my thousands of clients have had about getting on video. Scared to death. Sometimes in tears. Giving up over and over before they even get through the first video. 

Believe me when I tell you that I KNOW that it's a fear that you have as strong as the fear of heights, or snakes, or whatever phobia you can think of. Maybe it has a fancy phobia name, I don't know, but it should. 

And you feel like all the people who tell you “Just do it!” or “Just get past that fear!” don't understand how real it is. And maybe they don't. However, I do get it

Here's How It All Changed for Me... 

What if I told you that it's not going to be as difficult as you think to get through this. 

Imagine for just one second if you could sit down, flip on the camera, and just start talking with absolutely no fear, no inhibition... 

...Know exactly WHAT to say... 

...And know exactly how to spread that message across the internet to your target market. 

Here's How to Start Killing This Fear... 

I'm going to give you A HUGE TIP right here and right now. For FREE! 

Myself, and all my students have had similar experiences of beginning to get through this fear. First, I knew that my family was more important than my fear. 

The days of watching my little precious daughter and my beautiful wife not have all that they deserved (Even presents at Christmas)... 

...Knowing it was essentially my fault for not just getting through my damn fears were heart wrenching. 

I'm sure that there are things that you're watching happen, that wouldn't be, if you just were taught a way to get through this fear. 

If you've been watching your family suffer without having YOU around as much as you could be... 

Without enjoying the luxuries of life that are there for them... 

If you've suffered daily, living the 9 to 7 grind (because let's face it, nine to five is over), wasting away in a cubicle, or behind a machine, or on a job site...and struggling to make your home business work using other methods that aren't even close to as effective as video will EVER be... 

If you wake up in the morning, not excited to get up and see the lead flow and commission checks that have come in over night (because you