Easily and Instantly Become A Credible Influencer in YOUR Niche Within the Next 90 Days or less!

(Even If You're SCARED TO DEATH To Get On Video! )...

Use PayPal Credit - 6 Months No Interest - Choose "Pay Later" Option at Checkout

How did I go from a scared video marketing newbie... So deathly afraid to put myself out there to the internet world that I would cower and look for any other way to market my business...

To a confident video marketing expert, not even the slightest bit afraid to hop in front of the camera with the exact message my prospects are looking for?

Read the rest of this page, and you'll see how you'll be able to do the exact same thing with my proven (over and over again) video marketing strategy.

Even if right now... thinking about it makes your chest tight, breathing difficult, and causes intense panic and anxiety to kick in.

Believe me, I know exactly how you feel. I felt the same way. Maybe even worse. More about that in a minute. 

We're About to Unlock the Key to Killing That Fear Inside of YOU!

To the point where you actually enjoy putting yourself out there on video!

Because when you do it right... amazing things begin to happen in your business, and in your life.

You'll begin to experience ready-to-join leads flooding into your business on auto-pilot, each and every single day. (Even when YOU don't actually show up!) 

Imagine waking up, checking your email, and seeing leads and sales notifications as far as you can scroll down!

This is exactly what online video has done for me, and literally THOUSANDS of my students. 

And exactly what it will do for YOU!

Check out what leaders online have discovered and experienced...

"Most Genuine Leader"

Mark Harbert is an excellent marketer and someone that I go to when I have questions about video marketing. But beyond that he is one of the most genuine leaders I know in our industry who truly cares about the success of his students. He has an incredible passion that drives him to relentlessly deliver the best of himself in order to lift up and empower those around him.

Norbert Orlewicz

Co-Founder of My Lead System Pro

"The Go-To-Guy"

"When I first started lead generation from video I immediately thought of Mark Harbert as the “go-to-guy” to fast track my learning. Mark’s trainings and courses are the BEST you’ll find on Video Marketing and I 100% recommend The No-Fear Video Marketing System 2.0 to get you started with branding yourself and generating leads with video."

Gavin Mountford

6-Figure Marketer

"This Guy is All Heart"

"From working with Mark the last two years I can tell you this guy is all heart and his trainings are epicly designed to help you get maximum results. Anyone serious about changing their life would benefit from Mark and his training"

Ray Higdon

Founder of Rank Makers

Does THIS Describe You and Your Marketing Right Now?...

You KNOW that Online Video is the most effective way to market ANY biz online… especially a home based business… but you have no clue where to start…
You’re deathly afraid to get on camera because you don’t like the way you look or sound, and you’re sure others will see you as too ugly, too fat, too skinny, too squeaky, too whatever… YOU NAME IT!
You keep putting off creating videos until you’ve got the right equipment, or you’ve got a great background, or your desk is clean enough, or…(the list goes on and on)
You’re afraid that nobody will even watch your videos anyway because you don’t have the tech skills to create them, blast them out to the internet (much less rank them!)…

Now You Can Quickly Bust Through All of Your FEAR and HESITATION... and Start Creating Videos That Make Your Perfect Target Market Flock to You... and Love You When They Find You (and they WILL Find You!)...

Hi, My name is Mark Harbert, and for the past 12 years I've been creating online videos that have let me ENJOY A DAILY LEAD FLOW that most people in our industry can't even pull in monthly (sometimes in a year!)

We're talking up to 73+ serious red-hot leads per day.

It Wasn't Always That Way Though...

Most people see me on video and think that all this just comes natural. (Must be my movie star good looks...lol)


Desperately struggling to make my business work for almost a decade. 

In the midst of all of that, I got laid off from my corporate position. I was close to bankruptcy and foreclosure, and my wife and daughter were depending on me.

During the worst of all of that, I could barely put food on the table for my family.

In fact there was one heartbreaking Christmas where I couldn't afford presents for my daughter. 

Unless you've ever gone through that, you can't even comprehend the desperation that you feel.

And even then…

I would have rather faced Mike Tyson in the ring, or lay in a tank of snakes than get myself on camera. And I'm not even exaggerating.

To be perfectly honest I didn't have a clue how to even create a video in the first place. I thought I was doomed because I had no special equipment. No good digital camera. To make matters worse, I couldn't even afford the equipment I thought I needed.

Thank God actually…

Because now I've gotten by just fine on the most minimal of equipment for the past 12 years. 

My dirty little secret is most of my videos are made right from my iPhone or from the inexpensive web cam I purchased on Amazon.

If You're Deathly Afraid of getting on camera, I was right there with you. 

You see, I'm a little...well... “big boned.” 

So of course I was afraid I was going to look fat on camera. Plus, I had no idea what the heck to say. 

I was positive people would see my video and make fun of me. Think I was a babbling idiot. 

In fact, I didn't even think people wanted to hear what I had to say. Who the heck was I anyway? 

Sound familiar? 

If you saw my first video, you'd see that clearly I was petrified. Literally shaking in my seat as I tried to film and form a simple sentence. Every take had me more drenched in sweat.

And you can probably relate to my thought of “OMG, what if one of my family members, or worse, one of my co-workers stumbled on this video?” 

It took me over 20 takes, and a couple of days to create that first video. Everything was an excuse not to just shoot the darn thing. Taking out the garbage or doing dishes were welcome chores at that time. 

Plus I moved a lot of stuff around my desk. It was never so damn clean. 

Bottom Line! Caring What Others Think About Me Almost Cost Me the Amazing Lifestyle That I've Created for My Family Today.

It's not just me either... 

I've heard the fears and the stories that my thousands of clients have had about getting on video. Scared to death. Sometimes in tears. Giving up over and over before they even get through the first video. 

Believe me when I tell you that I KNOW that it's a fear that you have as strong as the fear of heights, or snakes, or whatever phobia you can think of. Maybe it has a fancy phobia name, I don't know, but it should. 

And you feel like all the people who tell you “Just do it!” or “Just get past that fear!” don't understand how real it is. And maybe they don't. However, I do get it

Here's How It All Changed for Me... 

What if I told you that it's not going to be as difficult as you think to get through this. 

Imagine for just one second if you could sit down, flip on the camera, and just start talking with absolutely no fear, no inhibition... 

...Know exactly WHAT to say... 

...And know exactly how to spread that message across the internet to your target market. 

Here's How to Start Killing This Fear... 

I'm going to give you A HUGE TIP right here and right now. For FREE! 

Myself, and all my students have had similar experiences of beginning to get through this fear. First, I knew that my family was more important than my fear. 

The days of watching my little precious daughter and my beautiful wife not have all that they deserved (Even presents at Christmas)... 

...Knowing it was essentially my fault for not just getting through my damn fears were heart wrenching. 

I'm sure that there are things that you're watching happen, that wouldn't be, if you just were taught a way to get through this fear. 

If you've been watching your family suffer without having YOU around as much as you could be... 

Without enjoying the luxuries of life that are there for them... 

If you've suffered daily, living the 9 to 7 grind (because let's face it, nine to five is over), wasting away in a cubicle, or behind a machine, or on a job site...and struggling to make your home business work using other methods that aren't even close to as effective as video will EVER be... 

If you wake up in the morning, not excited to get up and see the lead flow and commission checks that have come in over night (because you already know there won't be any)...

Then YOU are ready to get past this fear now and jump into video marketing like a pro

 I know it.

That's Why I've Created My Most Epic and Complete Video Training EVER!

My Legacy Product That Gives Away Everything I've Learned Over the Past 13 Years of Elite Level Video Marketing (Even Tackling the emotional fear impacting elements that others have ignored)...

Use PayPal Credit - 6 Months No Interest - Choose "Pay Later" Option at Checkout

This is my most exhaustive and epic product EVER!

My Legacy of Work wrapped up into 1 product.

A 12 Module Video Marketing System that I've been perfecting for the past 13 years.

It's served me extremely well, turned me into a MULTIPLE SIX-FIGURE LEADER in the home biz industry...

...And now it's going to be in your hands to make it work for YOU.

Everything. Laid out, step-by-step, module by module, video by video.

No matter where you're at with your video marketing... scared to death complete newbie, OR an intermediate already-making-progress video marketer...

This will take your video lead generation – and your brand – into the stratosphere.

Here's a Sneak-Peak Into Some of What You'll Discover When You Delve Into 'The No-Fear Video Marketing System 2.0'...

module #1

The Video Revolution

Why you'd be insane NOT to add online video marketing to your arsenal to become a mini-celebrity in your niche that people flock to
The bare bones facts of how over ½ of the entire internet population (BILLIONS) is obsessed with video (And HOW to get them to respond very strongly to YOUR videos)
How video works on the brain, and why it will tap precisely into the parts of your prospect’s - mind that you MUST reach - to get them to buy from you or join your biz (The Best Part: It does so almost instantly!)...
Finally, How to Get Rid of Your Fear of the Camera: The ONLY sure-fire trick that actually works once and for all to FINALLY OVERCOME YOUR FEAR OF THE CAMERA (Even if you've hated the way you look and sound your entire life!)...
And Much More!

module #2

The Market Segmentation Code

How to sniff out the traits and habits of your perfectly matched target market so YOUR product is the ideal solution to their deepest wants and desires (This MUST be right or nothing else works no matter what you do)...
How to discover YOUR unique voice that stands out amongst ALL of your competition. (TRUTH: Some people will absolutely hate you. You'll be laughing at all of them on your way to the bank ;)...
The number one market research question to ask yourself if you want to get the exact people who are ALREADY interested in your products and opportunity to take rapid action and hit the BUY button...
How and Where to Spy On Your Target Market: I'll demonstrate live... right in front of your face what I've done literally hundreds of times to research and tap right into my market's most pressing problems.
And Much More!

module #3

Content Conceptualization

How to ALWAYS have a stockpile of ideas for video topics. You'll get my secret stash of content ideas from creating 7 years of video that prospects clamor to watch (I'm giving away the farm here to say the least)...
3 sneaky ways to know EXACTLY what your prospect is searching for so you NEVER have to guess (These tips will have you blast out videos every single day with little thought and no headache)...
How to answer the questions in your prospects mind that they've been struggling with for weeks, months, or maybe even years! (This will make them look at YOU as their go-to person)...
How to quickly and easily hunt down where your target market is hanging out... and spy on them as they talk amongst themselves (This lets you know EXACTLY what  worries, needs, and desires are permeating their thoughts RIGHT NOW!)...
And Much More!

module #4

The Video Marketer's Arsenal

How to pick out the perfect camera for your video marketing creation without going broke (you'll be absolutely floored when you realize how easy and INEXPENSIVE this is)...
Why you don't actually even NEED a camera at all! I'll show you how to use what you've already got right at your disposal to get started and still LOOK LIKE A PRO. (Warning: This eliminates one of the top excuses you might be using)...
The Simple Elements of Video Sound: Quick and dirty video sound hacks to make sure your viewers can hear your message loud and clear (Without spending an entire weekend tweaking sound control knobs)...
The Video Lighting Factor: How to fix and prevent the most common mistakes that amateur video creators make with lighting (you'll look like a pro right from your video!)...
And Much More!

module #5

The Pillar Video Creation Master Plan

How to create lead generation videos that pull prospects into your funnel, non-stop, night and day, whether you show up to work that day or not (These are prospects who already know, like, and trust you!)...
Little known secrets to create a video intro that makes you look like a seasoned pro (even if you're not) grab viewers by the eyeballs practically forcing them to watch...
How to create such high quality value for your viewers they'll fall all over themselves to get on your list just to make sure they never miss any of YOUR content (This is how you build a powerful life-changing audience)...
My coveted Call-to-Action Trick that I've honed over the past 7 years... and THOUSANDS of videos (Make your subscriber and conversion rates soar just like mine have using this)...
My secret list of video domination tools that I've only ever shared with personal V.I.P. Coaching Clients who paid me thousands of dollars (Please don't tell them I'm showing you these)...
And Much More!

module #6

Mass Engagement Formula

Discover the surprising truth about the average human attention span and how it impacts your ability to engage and persuade your audience. (Most importantly how you can make simple edits to combat it)
Get my proven editing strategies for holding your viewer's attention and keeping them engaged with your content.
Gain valuable insights and actionable tips for creating content that resonates with your audience and keeps them coming back for more.
Discover how to use attention-grabbing visuals and other multimedia elements to enhance your videos.
Get tips and strategies for capturing and retaining your viewer's attention throughout your video. (They are so easy to do)
And Much More!

Before we move on to the other modules... 

Let's Talk About Something Critical Here... 

The Brutal Truth Is That Without Adding Video Marketing to Your Biz... YOU Cannot Compete With Those That Are Using Video Effectively... 

Let me guess. 

You've probably tried fooling yourself with thoughts like: “So I'll just use other methods of marketing my business... so I don't need video.”

Well let's first look at some stats...

Internet Video Traffic is 82% of ALL global consumer Internet traffic
Video promotion is over 6 times more effective than print and online biz to biz marketing
1 Minute of video is worth 1.8 Million Words (Forrester Research) <= Read that again...
Over half of 25 to 54 year olds share video online. Eh hem...something tells me YOUR demographic falls in those ages somewhere. Mine does!

And here's a couple of real eye-openers that even caught ME off guard...

Retail site visitors who view video stay 2 minutes longer on average...
The chance of getting a page one listing on Google increased 53 TIMES with video
73% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase after watching a video.

Read that last one over and over again.

Now Let's Get Back to All You Get Inside of “The No-Fear Video Marketing System 2.0”

module #7

The YouTube Archetype

Why YouTube is a MUST in Your Video Marketing Strategy (After 150,000+ leads and over multiple 7 figures in profits the past 12 years from video marketing – I've proven this to be TRUTH)...
My YouTube Domination Process broken down and spoon fed to you so you absorb it at the deepest core level. (Your competition does NOT want you to know this process)...
The Simple On-Video Optimization Method that I've tweaked and perfected over the years that makes Google absolutely love your videos (and therefore rank them high and FAST!)...
Keyword Research on Steroids to magically know exactly which targeted keywords will suck in leads like a vacuum (and which will easily rank on YouTube and Google.)...
And MUCH More!

module #8

The Short Video Insurrection

Easy-to-follow and step-by-step instructions (with examples) to create amazing 'lead --gettin' short videos in no time! (These are taking over the internet RIGHT NOW!)
What’s-working-now techniques to quickly grab attention and drive traffic like a seasoned pro with your short 30 second videos!
How to analyze and use your video data to make sure you’re creating exactly what YOUR audience wants every single time!
Tips for editing, visuals, and sound to make your videos stand out from the crowd. (Hint: This is so easy to do but so many don't do it because they simply don't know what I reveal in this module)
The RIGHT WAY to use hashtags and captions to boost visibility and get more engagement on every short video you share on social media platforms.
And Much More!

module #9

The LIVE Video Influencer

A full breakdown of WHAT Live Broadcasting is and how to integrate this amazing tool into your biz starting right away (While you strengthen your brand)...
The vital reason that 'Live Broadcasting' is a MASSIVE part of every successful online marketers weaponry... (And how getting started NOW can make you become an icon while they're still cutting their teeth!)...
How to choose the right platform and equipment for your live video, as well as how to optimize your streams for maximum reach and visibility.
The exact live video process I use to plan, prepare, and execute LIVE videos to engage and convert your audience into raving fans.
And Much More!

module #10

The "Be Everywhere" Paradigm

How to be everywhere ALL the TIME with your videos to increase your exposure, video views, leads, and of course SALES! (This will make YOU viral in a very short period of time)...
How to spread your content all over the internet so no matter where your audience goes online…THERE YOU ARE! (What I show you in this section will take your business to levels you could only dream about!)
How to turn long videos into short video clips or highlights to generate endless leads on social media platforms like TikTok, YouTube shorts, Instagram, Facebook and many more!
How to use your video content to create infographics or other visuals to share on social media. (This is exactly what the big marketers online are doing)
How to quickly transform video transcripts into new written content for blogs, article sites, quote cards, and social media posts (this is guaranteed to reach tons more people online)
And Much More!

module #11

The Mass Exposure Method

How to follow your video viewers around the internet and stick targeted ads in front of them. (This is a sneaky way to bring them back into YOUR web, and convert them into paying customers!)
How to target a specific, well-defined audience to ensure that your ads are being shown to the people most likely to be interested in your products and services. (This is how the big earners profit wildly online)
How to use eye-catching headlines and copy to entice people to click and watch your video completely.
Secrets to shortcut your way to more video views from your target audience (It's so easy you will wonder why you didn't do it sooner)
Maximize your brand's exposure and reach with highly targeted paid social media campaigns. (This will catch your audience where they spend the most time online.)
And MUCH More!

module #12

The Fear Annihilation System

Create Your Fear-Factor Breakthrough: How to Finally GET OVER YOUR FEAR OF THE CAMERA once and for all... and help your downline do the exact same thing (this builds an explosive online business!)...
Killing the Techno-Phobe Inside: Your fear of not knowing the tech side will be dead, and you'll have no choice but to simply push forward with this proven video marketing system!
Tackling Who YOU Are: Nothing will happen in your biz until you come to terms with who you are. You're ready to start creating videos TODAY. I'll help you realize WHY that's true and how to make it happen IMMEDIATELY!..
Becoming an Unstoppable Marketing Machine: Once you understand what I'm about to show you, and put it all in motion, YOU will be in control of your life and your future from here on out. Nobody except YOU can stop you at this point...
And MANY MORE Breakthrough Insights!

these 12 modules are incredibly valuable, offering insights and strategies you won't find anywhere else.

I know that as you're seeing everything inside this system, you're probably thinking you may have to sell a body part to get your hands on 'The No Fear Video Marketing System 2.0'.

As you can see... there is incredible value of the main modules alone. (We haven't even mentioned bonuses yet)

However I want to get my most epic product ever...My Legacy...Into As Many Hands As Possible...

This Is 13 Years of My Personal Blood, Sweat, and Tears...

EVERYTHING That I've Discovered and Experienced With Video Marketing to Become a Top Leader and Multiple Six-Figure Earner... Laid Out for YOU... Step-by-Step.

But don't just take MY Word for It...

Grab Mark's course! His No Fear Video Marketing System could change your business and change your life. I was so scared to do video that me pushing myself out of my comfort zone and Mark encouraging me to do so and doing video anyway, has changed who I am, myself confidence has skyrocketed. I feel so empowered because I tackled my fear that it has changed who I am.

Erin Birch

6-Figure Network Marketer

If you're checking out specifically something with video around Mark Harbert, I've seen what he does works, I've seen him teach it to others and have them get results. You will not be sorry, trust me if you hire this guy or you buy one of his courses, go through the information. His stuff flat out will get you a result.

Brian Fanale

Co-Founder MLSP

I've been working with Mark directly for over a year now he's been my coach for video marketing. And he's helped me develop a Facebook ads strategy using video and regularly read your posts. And doing that I've been able to generate almost 1400 leads at a very low cost. If you're looking to make video marketing a major part of your strategy for your business, whether you're a beginner, intermediate, advanced, this is the course you want to invest in!

Bob Clarke

Top Online Marketer

Wow, I love Mark Harbert, no fear Video Marketing System 2.0 I learned so much all the things that have been stressing me out for a long while. My challenge was all the Tech Intimidation that I had. So if you need to get your skills on you need to get your conversation on. You need to get your techie on. All of those are covered in Mark's Video Marketing Program.

Marla Koupal

Online Business Owner

When I first met Mark back in 2013, I was terrified to do videos. But the first thing I noticed about Mark was, is that he is the king of simple. He broke down video marketing into simple actionable steps. I followed Mark's instructions exactly. And as a matter of fact, my YouTube channel is closing in on 3000 subscribers, and one of my videos generated over 64,000 views. Thank you Mark for helping me get over my fear of doing videos.

Lisa Thompson

Internet Marketer

When I first started doing video, I was just doing videos, I was just turning on my phone and talking and hoping it would matter to people. What Mark did for me many years ago was he helped me structure and formulate how to get a message out for other people's ears to hear. It's going to take me from the multiple six figures to seven figures making a difference in people's lives, my friends, just by being who I am. Mark is right there at the front, helping us all unleash what's inside of us. Get into this program. I'm excited to see what's inside of you and how it's going to come out to the world.

Eddie Villa

Multiple 6-Figure Marketer

Grab “The No-Fear Video Marketing System 2.0” NOW at the Exclusive Introductory Price of Just $1997 $497

Use PayPal Credit - 6 Months No Interest - Choose "Pay Later" Option at Checkout

OH WAIT! Let's Go Over Your INSANE BONUSES!...

bonus #1


Tap into the deep knowledge and experience of some of the top video influencers in the industry TODAY

This exclusive series of interviews are the perfect opportunity to get the most effective video strategies from the best of the best. 

Influencers such as Tanya Aliza, Ray Higdon, Kimberly Olson, Mike Hobbs, Todd Falcone, Kim Ward, Eddie Villa and many more.

These will take your video creation skills to the next level. Everyone in these interviews is making at least 6-Figures per year in their business. Many are making 7-Figures or more.

You'll get an in-depth look at the strategies, tactics, and techniques these influencers use to create engaging and successful videos. 

You'll dig into their creative process, see how they build and grow their audiences, and how they monetize their content.

Don't miss out on this rare opportunity to learn from the pros and take your video skills to the top. Sign up now to get access to this complete series of interviews with 15+ top video influencers.

bonus #2

280 Short Video Hook Templates

Want a quick and easy way to come up with attention-grabbing hooks for your videos? 

This collection of 280 short video hook templates is here to make your life easier and make your videos irresistible for YOUR audience.

These templates are designed to help you quickly and easily come up with catchy, engaging hooks that will grab your audience's attention IMMEDIATELY and keep them watching. Whether you're creating marketing videos, educational content, or simply trying to entertain, these templates have you covered.

With 280 templates to choose from, you'll NEVER run out of hook ideas for your videos. Simply choose the template that best fits your needs, customize it to your liking, and you're ready to go!

Don't waste any more time struggling to come up with creative video hooks. When you grab The No Fear Video Marketing System 2.0 TODAY you'll get access to this complete collection of 280 short video hook templates.

bonus #3

video headline templates

How do top video marketers come up with catchy and effective headlines for their YouTube videos? 

This collection of video headline templates for YouTube is here to make your life easier and take your video marketing into the stratosphere.

This collection of video headline templates are tailored specifically for YouTube and will assist you in generating attention-grabbing headlines that increase your views. 

Use these templates to create promotional, educational, or entertaining videos and they will provide you with a variety of options to choose from.

With dozens of templates to choose from, you'll never run out of ideas for your video titles. Simply choose the template that best fits your needs, customize it, and you're READY TO ROCK!

It could not be any easier than that!

bonus #4

50 youtube thumbnail canva templates

This collection of UNIQUE and ONE OF A KIND YouTube Thumbnail Canva Templates will make your life simple.

Easily create stunning thumbnails that will grab the attention of your audience as they scroll. Simply choose from the templates, import them into your free Canva account… then customize with your own text and images, and you're good to go!

Even if you have zero design skills, these templates are stupid simple and fully customizable.

You’ll be able to easily create beautiful thumbnails that match your brand and style.

Don't waste any more time struggling to create the perfect thumbnail. When you SIGN UP TODAY get access to all 50 templates IMMEDIATELY!

You’d pay $25+ each to have a designer create these for you. Yours FREE when you grab this course TODAY!

bonus #5


The Fearless Influencer Academy has quickly become the leading training community for marketers like you, who want a proven pathway to success...

Imagine unlocking the secrets that top marketers use to dominate their niches and build empires? Our exclusive membership is jam-packed with zero-fluff, up-to-date, practical training, and resources following our proprietary three-level, nine-stage framework...

Inside, you’ll discover the exact steps to catapult your online business to new heights, leaving no stone unturned. Whether you're a beginner looking for a solid foundation or an intermediate marketer aiming to scale, we’ve got you covered. 

From cutting-edge video marketing strategies to savvy social media hacks, we equip you with everything you need to thrive.

When you grab the No Fear 2.0 course TODAY, you’ll tap into a goldmine of actionable insights, expert guidance, and a supportive community of like-minded go-getters for a full 90 days that way you aren't alone in our journey.

bonus #6

The beta program recordings

This was a full-blown LIVE Beta course for 'The No Fear Video Marketing System 2.0' where 62 future rock stars joined us each week to find out how to take their business to the next level with advanced video marketing strategies. 

You will get access to the 10+ hours of recordings from this program.

These sessions were designed to provide you with the answers to all of your questions, without even having to ask. We understand that as a business owner, you may have a lot of questions about video marketing, especially if your brand new, and I wanted to make sure that we provide you the answers that you need.

These recordings provided our participants with the answers to the questions they had. I found that there was a 99% chance that someone else had the same exact question, which is why I believe that these recordings will be extremely beneficial for you.

bonus #7


Want to look like a total pro in your videos? These "Done For You" Video Assets are a complete video asset package created by top affiliate marketer Dr. Lisa Thompson JUST FOR YOU!

This jam-packed package includes 7 sets of video intros and outros, 7 transition segments, and 12 lower third templates, providing all the necessary elements to edit high-quality and professional-looking videos.

The intros and outros are designed to engage your audience and set the tone for your content, while the transition segments provide seamless flow between scenes. The lower third templates, on the other hand, offer a way to display additional information, like your name, the topic being covered, or any relevant details you want to include.

The assets have been tested and refined to ensure that they are easy to use and customizable, allowing you to add your own branding and style using Canva. Whether you're creating presentations, marketing videos, or any other type of video content, these Done For You Video Asset Templates have you covered.

bonus #8

authentic marketing

Eddie Villa's "Authentic Marketing" training is a comprehensive 3-video mini-course that keeps video marketers fully authentic to stand out in the market place.

Eddie starts by addressing the common obstacles like, time restrictions, fear of judgment, self-doubt or lack of confidence. He gives you simple step by steps that require little effort to create proof you can do this your way and still get results.

He also offers a simple way to find out precisely how you are infinitely unique and the step by step process of honoring that with everything you do to build brand loyalty with an audience by just being consistently you.

Come learn how to be your best self, make it valuable for others and discover exactly how you are different than anyone who has ever existed.

There is a message and a mission inside of you to make the world a better place, once you learn how to UNLEASH IT!

bonus #9


"The 30-Day Video Blitz" is a daily email program that will get you into action FAST!

Every day for 30 days you'll get an email from me with instructions on what type of video to create for that day. This FAST START program is perfect for putting into practice what you learn in The No Fear Video Marketing System 2.0 course.

You'll have the chance to actually make the videos and see your skills improve with each one.

This is perfect for anyone looking to get better at video marketing, whether you're a beginner or a pro. You'll get to work with other people just like you, and who knows, maybe you'll even make some new friends along the way.

The 30-Day Video Blitz will be a fun and practical way to master the art of video marketing. You'll come out of it feeling confident and ready to create some killer 'Lead-gettin' videos!

bonus #10


In this training you will learn how to harness the power of ChatGPT for unbeatable video marketing results!

As a bonus for the No Fear Video Marketing System 2.0 course, you'll get to see first-hand how you can use ChatGPT to elevate your video marketing strategies and get ahead of the competition.

During the training, we'll cover tips and techniques for using ChatGPT to generate engaging video scripts, captions, and titles, as well as ways to optimize your videos for search engines and increase their visibility.

Whether you're a seasoned marketer or just starting out, this training is a must-attend for anyone looking to up their video marketing game.

Don't miss this opportunity to learn to take your video marketing to the next level... AI style!

fast action bonus!


In order to get sales and sign-ups on a regular basis... you must have a funnel that works for you 24/7, and converts your leads into sales and sign-ups on auto-pilot!... Whether you decide to get up in the morning or not!

Here’s the thing… EVERY single top-earner you follow online... all have automated funnels and follow-up campaigns in place...selling for them day and night.

Seriously, I know nearly all of them, and have never seen one without having this working for them!

So why is it that they never teach YOU how to do it too?

Well, the truth is... they don’t think YOU can handle the truth.

You see, it can get a little technical when setting up a follow-up system and automated selling machine! There’s some work to be done!

You just need someone that can teach you how to set these automated sales funnels up, in a simple step-by-step manner, that even my 88 year old father-in-law living in Chile could understand.

That's exactly what this course will teach you!

fast action bonus!

VIP 50% commissions

When you purchase the No Fear Video Marketing System 2.0 during this special offer pricing, you will also be able to earn 50% VIP commissions on any referrals you make instead of the standard 30%. This is a significant increase in commission percentage, and it can help you earn more money from your marketing efforts.

To take advantage of this offer, all you need to do is purchase the No Fear Video Marketing System 2.0 course before this offer ends.

Anytime someone makes a purchase using your referral link, you will earn a 50% VIP commission on their purchase. This means that you will earn more money for every referral you make.

It is important to note that this offer is only available for a limited time. Once the offer expires, the commission percentage will revert to the standard 30%, so it is important to act fast if you want to take advantage of this opportunity.


With all these bonuses, you're getting an incredible value on top of the original course – it’s a deal you can’t afford to miss!

But YOU Pay ONLY $1997 $497 When You Invest In Yourself TODAY!

Use PayPal Credit - 6 Months No Interest - Choose "Pay Later" Option at Checkout

Using Video Is Why I Was Able to Skyrocket My Business and Become a "Mini-Celebrity" In The Home Business Niche!

Quick Story: I attend multiple industry events every single year. Since the very first year of creating videos for my biz, one of the things I've experienced was a mini-celebrity status.

Listen...when I go to the grocery store in my neighborhood, I'm just some regular ole dude. Nobody comes to me asking for autographs.

However, when I attend these events... I notice stares as soon as I enter a room. 

I hear whispers “Is that Mark Harbert?”

I make my way to the bathroom and people come up to me, 99% of the time, asking if they can take a picture with me. BONUS: They repost those pics on their social media, boosting my credibility even further.

Best of all... they tell me the stories of how my videos have changed their marketing and their lives forever!

That would not be possible if I would have used ANY other medium.

But What About Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest?

Those are all effective elements to add to your marketing. There are tons of leaders who use those as big parts of their marketing.

But if you look closely, if you pull back the curtain...almost ALL of them have added a strong video element behind those other marketing channels to build “KNOW, LIKE, and TRUST” to their Marketing.

Isn't It Time You Have the Same Advantage With YOUR Marketing?

Here's What Will Happen When You Put What You Discover in “The No-Fear Video Marketing System 2.0” Into Action...

You'll witness your business start to rapidly grow. You'll start pulling in leads and sign-ups faster than you ever thought they could flow in. Why? Because your videos are attracting the exact people that already feel attraction to someone like you.
Your videos will bring you the the type of prospects that YOU will love working with. You'll notice that the others who don't resonate are moving on, and you won't feel a thing. Rejection becomes a thing of the past. And Speaking from experience...
Others will notice that you've changed not just as a marketer, but as a person. Your confidence will soar. You'll feel more and more comfortable with who you are... with each video you release to the world.

And finally you'll realize how true it is that the life of freedom, financial security, and self-confidence is there for the taking. It's actually becoming YOURS! Just like you've been dreaming about as you lay in bed at night...

Grab This 12-Module Course That Will Skyrocket Your Confidence Level Forever, Banish Your Fears of Getting Your Message Out to the World... and Allow YOU to Start Pulling In More Leads, Driving More Sales, and Filling Your Bank Account Starting NOW...

Here Is a recap of  Everything You’re Getting In The no fear video marketing system 2.0...

No Fear Video Marketing System 2.0 Course

FREE Bonus #1: The Video Influencer Interviews

FREE Bonus #2: 280 Short Video Hook Templates

FREE Bonus #3: Video Headline Templates

FREE Bonus #4: 50 YouTube Thumbnail Canva Templates

FREE Bonus #5: Fearless Influencer Academy

FREE Bonus #6: The Beta Program Recordings

FREE Bonus #7: "Done For You" Video Asset Templates

FREE Bonus #8: The 30-Day Short Video Blitz

FREE Bonus #9: Authentic Marketing

FREE Bonus #10: Crush Video with ChatGPT

FAST ACTION BONUS: The Automation Playbook

FAST ACTION BONUS: VIP 50% Commissions

You’ll Get All Of This For The Low ONE-TIME Price Of…

$1,997 Just $497


Use PayPal Credit - 6 Months No Interest - Choose "Pay Later" Option at Checkout

Questions? We’re Here To Help.

Here Are Some Frequently Asked Questions

I'm not an expert and I have never created videos before… who would listen to me?

You don't have to be an expert to succeed - a small advantage is all you need. 

By knowing just a little more than others, you can offer valuable insights and solutions. People are willing to pay for convenience, efficiency, and speed. 

Your tiny edge will make it easier for others to achieve what you have. Remember, every expert you admire was once a beginner who took action. Focus on progress, not perfection.

I’m extremely busy… How long will it take to go through the program?

As someone who values time freedom and has assisted many in achieving it, I highly recommend The No Fear Video Marketing System 2.0. 

This program teaches you how to efficiently and quickly create videos that are both informative and concise. With just 15-30 minutes a day, you can make progress at your own pace, whether it be in the morning or before bed. 

By taking action and following the video lessons, you can expect to have a significant number of videos online in a matter of weeks. That is being ultra conservative too. 

What type of business does this work for?

Awesome Question.

This program will work for any niche or business model. If you are in network marketing, affiliate marketing, coaching, course creator or any type of brick and mortar business, you will love this program.

How long will I have access to this course?

You have lifetime access in our secure members area! You can go as fast as you can through it, or take as much time as you need. The choice is up to you.

Do you have a guarantee?

Yes of course! Join today, go through all the videos, download all the bonuses and implement the work.

But, if for any reason you feel that you didn’t get a ton more value than what you invested, simply email us at support@markharbert.com with your work attached and we’ll happily refund you in full.

I have another question not answered here.

Okay great, we’re here to help. Email us at support@markharbert.com

You're Protected By The Mark Harbert "Leave It All On The Field" Promise

Video has radically changed my business as well as 1000’s of my students over the years who have taken action on what they learned through my training.

This step-by-step 12 module program is put together with YOU in mind so YOU can have the confidence to hit that record button and dominate with video.

When setting out to create this program, I promised myself to “LEAVE IT ALL ON THE FIELD” for my students. Leaving nothing to chance and giving YOU every possible avenue to succeed with video without feeling like you’re not getting the entire picture.

Without question that was UNEQUIVOCALLY achieved in the No Fear Video Marketing System 2.0!

You have a FULL 30-days to go through the entire training system and put it into action.

All I am asking is that you “LEAVE IT ALL ON THE FIELD” for your future as well.

IF you do the work laid out in the modules and you still don’t feel it was worth it to your business, simply email my team, submit your completed work, and request a full 100% refund.

You have nothing to lose and so much to gain!

To Your Success,

P.S. I don't care if you've been petrified of getting on camera your entire life. This course is going to give you the confidence boosting tools to get over your fear of the camera, the tech know-how to spread your videos far and wide, and the influence skills to force your viewers to take immediate ACTION. You and your entire family will benefit as your videos start sucking in more leads, sales, and signups than you've ever dreamed possible.

P.P.S. Whether you're a network marketer, affiliate marketer, product owner, realtor, public speaker, or a plumber trying to get more leads in your town. Using the strategies the way I lay it out in this course will bring in more people to your business.

P.P.P.S. “The NO-FEAR Video Marketing System 2.0” will never be priced this low again. This is a special price for ACTION TAKERS ONLY and it would be insane for me to keep it this low…and even more insane of you to expect me to!! When the timer hits ZERO  the price will go up to the regular $1,997.00, so MOVE FAST and save big unless you want to pay more later.  

© Copyright 2024 - Uplevel Marketing LLC

Important Disclosures: The testimonials and examples used on this page are exceptional results, which do not apply to the average purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Individual results will vary and depend on various factors including but not limited to background, experience, and work ethic. We do not guarantee your financial success. While this page highlights certain success stories, the typical purchaser may not experience the same results. Actual results will vary, and you should not expect to achieve these results. Testimonials on this page are submitted by real users of our products. Their experiences and results are unique to them and do not necessarily reflect the experiences of all users. Any personal information you provide will be used solely for the purpose of processing your enrollment and improving our services. Your data will be handled in accordance with our privacy policy. Any free tips or promotions mentioned on this page are offered without any obligation or additional cost. If there are any terms or conditions associated with these offers, they will be clearly disclosed at the time of the offer. The content on this page may use emotional appeals to illustrate common challenges and the benefits of our system. These are intended to provide relatable examples and are not guarantees of success. For further details on our terms and conditions, privacy policy, and disclaimers, please visit our terms and conditions and privacy policy.


The Video Action Plan

How To Eliminate Your Fear Of Creating Videos And Devise A Full Proof Video DMO!

Creating Lead Gettin' Videos

How To Create Videos Using A Simple Framework Guaranteed To Bring In Leads!

Video Engagement Hacks

How To Hack The Social Algorithms And Create Sticky Video That People Watch All The Way Through

The Mass Exposure Method

How To Blast Your Videos Out On All The Platforms Quickly And Easily

Scaling For Profits

How To Boost Video Exposure So Your Prospects See You Every Where They Go!
